When your first call needs to be your best call
Since 2001, trial lawyers and partners Jerome Lerch and Debra Sturmer have been advising and defending attorneys, international insurance syndicates, insurance brokers, financial institutions and other professionals and corporations in California courts, with remarkable success.
We’re known for resolving cases quickly, fairly, and wisely. We settle when it makes sense for our clients. If we need to litigate, we litigate strategically and hard. And we win, big. In fact, the California Daily Journal heralded a legal malpractice case we won as the third most significant defense verdict of all of the cases tried in the State of California that year.
With us, it’s personal. When you hire Lerch Sturmer, you hire Lerch and Sturmer. We don’t hand off cases to juniors. We’re in the room, on the phone, and at the table – we’re not just the names on the door.
Our clients come to us not only for results, but also for the long term. And we’ve spent years building deep relationships with them. We also enjoy an outstanding reputation with the judiciary, opposing counsel and mediators throughout California – and we appear in state and federal courts.